Here are 10 things I learned in 2015
1. Working out
•whether it's going on a walk/run through trails on a Sunday, or going to my local gyms H.I.I.T class, I LOVE working out! I love how I feel after as well, and the results are just a cherry on top!
2. Volunteering
•this year, I learned that I love helping others. going to the veteran center, or helping at a local middle schools dance practice, it's one of my favorite ways to spend my time! it makes me feel so good and it's also fun, especially with all of the experience you get out of it.
3. God
•this year, I found a church I love and I also found Christ in a way I never could've imagined! I've always believed in God and I've always known about the Word and Christ but I never took time to actually study it and live by it! this year I started attending church and I realized how good of a mood it puts me in it and how it makes me feel so light and refreshed. I've came so much closer to God, and I've also learned I love sharing His Word to other people!
4. Drive safely
•I've had my fair share of wrecks this year, and one speeding ticket.. okay, this is kind of a funny lesson I leaned this year. DON'T SPEED. 2 of my friends and I were going to Henderson, a few towns over, and I was driving and I was going about 16 over and a state trooper pulled me over and gave me a ticket. it totally wasn't worth getting to our destination a little faster considering I had to go to court all the way in that county, twice, and to make it worse I hid the ticket from my parents for awhile which was completely idiotic in my part. which leads me to number 5..
5. Honesty
•this year, I learned the hard way that being honest is probably the most important things out there. it's so much easier to just straight out tell the truth then to try to hide the truth.
because regardless, the truth always comes out anyways.
6. Being lame
•this is probably a really confusing one, but this year I learned I love to be lame. I love to stay in and watch Netflix, or spend the night hanging with my cat. or even just Pinterest and blogging all night! it's not lame to me, but to most people it is. I found out I'd rather have friends who want to sit down and do a bible study and binge watch Netflix with me then friends who'd rather go out and party.
7. Medical field
•this year, I also discovered I had a love for the medical field, and it's what I want to study in college. I'm not sure exactly what I want to do, but regardless I know I want to be able to help save another persons life by doing it!
8. Relationships
•this year, I've accepted that I'm not ready to be into a steady relationship. I have so many more things I want to focus on like my future, my friends, and most importantly: bettering myself. I'd rather wait until I find the right guy that God gives me rather than trying to force a relationship to happen.
9. Blogging
•last but not least, this year I learned I LOVE to blog. I've had this blog for over a year, but it wasn't until these past few months that I've put time and dedication into my blog. it's such a fun past-time, and it works out perfectly considering I love to write.
these things and lessons I learned this year, i'm going to carry over into 2016 and see what I can get out of it!